In a big step towards boosting European citizenship and democracy, the Lithuania College of Democracy (LDUK) has teamed up with the European Citizen Action Service (ECAS). LDUK played an active role and achieved success by securing a grant through the ‘ECAS Grant-making to its members in the EU’ initiative.
Distinguished for their active engagement, the Lithuania College of Democracy participated in and secured a successful grant in the “ECAS Grant-making to its members in the EU” call for proposals. This initiative is an integral part of the broader EURECA (European Citizenship Accelerator) Framework Agreement. The LDUK’ s project, was named “Empowering Youth in Society (EYIS),” stands in perfect alignment with the ambitious EURECA 2023 objectives, primarily focusing on fortifying Citizenship Rights and European Democracy. Through carefully planning, the project demonstrated a distinct European dimension and met the stringent criteria outlined by ECAS.
On June 19, 2023, a significant event took place as ECAS grantees came together for their first meeting in Brussels. Twelve organizations from nine EU countries gathered to discuss important topics like empowering youth, engaging communities, tackling misinformation and hate speech, and strengthening online security. This teamwork aligns smoothly with the main aims of EURECA 2023, which focuses on boosting citizens’ rights and supporting European democracy. ECAS’ re-granting initiative, where the Lithuania College of Democracy actively participates, provides a crucial platform for members to contribute to these important goals.
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