This week, during the European Online and Distance Learning Week of the European Distance and e-Learning Network (EDEN), the Lithuanian College of Democracy presents its ongoing project “Digital Inclusion of All Learners: DI4All.” The target groups of the DI4All project are: students; school staff; schools; other education providers; public institutions; and national agencies. The project is coordinated by a Swedish organization, Ossiannilsson Quality in Open Online Learning (QOOL) Consultancy (Lund, Sweden).
The project aims to strengthen the general competences, skills, and learning outcomes of young people at school by promoting the improvement of teaching quality, innovation, and digital inclusion in education, strengthening the competences of educators, increasing digital inclusion in education, solving the problem of misinformation, and promoting teacher education and learning.
More information about EDEN’s European Online and Distance Learning Week, presentation times, and speakers for each day can be found on the EDEN website. Participation in this event is free.
www.lduk.lt information