On March 8, 2023, Lithuanian College of Democracy in collaboration with Ossiannilsson Quality in Open Online Learning (QOOL) Consultancy (Lund, Sweden), will present the ongoing project “ERASMUS+ Project DI4ALL (Digital Inclusion for all)” during Open Education Week. OE Week raises awareness and highlights innovative open education successes worldwide.
You can participate in our project, that is taking place on the 8th of March, at 2 PM, by following the link: https://oeweek.oeglobal.org/events/2023/erasmus-project-di4all-digital-inclusion-for-all/
The project aims to promote digital inclusion and improve the key competencies, skills, and learning performance of young people in schools. The project seeks to tackle disinformation through education and training and enhance the competencies of teachers and educators.
More information about Open Education Week, presentation times, and speakers can be found on the https://oeweek.oeglobal.org/
www.lduk.lt information