The Lithuanian College of Democracy, in collaboration with Ossiannilsson Quality in Open Online Learning (QOOL) Consultancy from Lund, Sweden, will present its ongoing ERASMUS+ Project DI4ALL for digital inclusion at the upcoming Digital Week event on April 20th.

You can participate in our project, which is taking place on the 20th of April, at 11 AM, by following the link: →
The DI4ALL project aims to provide high-quality digital learning opportunities for all individuals, regardless of their background or current circumstances. This project is especially crucial in today’s world, where digital technologies have become an essential aspect of our daily lives. The Lithuanian College of Democracy recognizes that digital inclusion is not just a matter of access to technology, but also of ensuring that individuals have the necessary skills and knowledge to fully participate in the digital world.
For more information about the All Digital Weeks event and details about our presentation, please visit: information