Digital Week 2024: Empowering Innovations with DI4ALL

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Lithuanian College of Democracy, together with the Swedish organization Ossiannilsson Quality in Open Online Learning (QOOL), will present the initiative – “Digital Inclusion of All Learners” (DI4All) during the “Digital Week 2024”. This year is the third year that LDUK has participated in these events.

The presentation of the initiative will take place in 2024. May 24th, 11 o’clock remotely.

The main goals of the project “Digital Inclusion of All Learners” are to improve the basic competences, skills, and learning outcomes of young people in schools, promote the development of innovation at the educational level, and include digital inclusion. It also aims to strengthen the competencies of teachers and pedagogues, promote digital inclusion, and combat misinformation in the fields of education and training.

ALL DIGITAL Weeks 2024 is an annual promotion of digital inclusion and digital skills development organized throughout Europe. It aims to encourage citizens of European Union countries to constantly improve their digital skills, discover technologies and the benefits they create, and use digital opportunities in their daily and professional activities. The campaign has been running since 2010. and helped almost 1.5 million during that time. people to get online for the first time or improve their digital skills. Every year, this initiative involves about 100,000 Europeans from more than 20 European countries.

This year, the promotion will last for three weeks – in 2024. May 13-31 Its slogan is “Let’s improve our digital skills”. With this motto, the residents of both Lithuania and the whole of Europe are encouraged to constantly improve and boldly face the ongoing digital transformation.

The main topic of the first week is cyber security, we invite you to take an interest in the means of electronic identification, strengthen vigilance and learn how to protect yourself from new ways of fraud on the Internet. The main topic of the second week is dedicated to the development of digital skills, it will be encouraged to self-assess digital skills, look for opportunities to improve them and discover e. variety of services and convenience. The main theme of the third week is a safer internet and artificial intelligence in education, and it is designed to discuss the importance of safe and responsible behavior online and how to help others when faced with inappropriate content or cyberbullying.

You can find more information about the activities of the “Digital Week 2024” campaign in Lithuania and links to webcasts at, as well as about events throughout Europe at information