A branch of the Lithuanian College of Democracy – rural day center “Navininkai” for children and families at risk operates in Aukštadvaris, Trakai district. For many years, the visitors of the day center have been interacting with the Aukštadvaris seniors’ club “Aukštadvario žiburiai”, listening to the stories of their elders about the history of their region, participating in various celebrations and education, and baking pies together.
From this beautiful friendship was born the idea to create original interactive maps, and the online application atrask.eu, which will help travelers better understand the land with picturesque nature. As Lina Bakšytė, coordinator of the “Atrask” project, said, 3 interactive routes are being created: “These are “Legends of Aukštadvaris”, they will invite you to experience and hear the past. The “Trails of Devils” route will invite you to get acquainted with the pranks of devils and their tracks in the region. And the route “Experience Aukštadvaris” will be unique in that it will be possible to play an outdoor orientation game while traveling. Famous illustrator Greta Alice Liekytė draws the maps together with the children of “Navininkų”.
The project “Atrask” (“Discovery” – in English) is a social entrepreneurship start-up established by rural day center “Navininkai” for children and youth at risk in an association with a branch of temporary foster home “Atsigrezk” – day center “Čižiūnai” for children and youth at risk and local seniors’ community “Aukštadvario žiburiai”. The communication campaign is part of the project “Courage to act and change” and is financed by the technical assistance measure of the Lithuanian Rural Network under the program “European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development: Europe invests in rural areas”.
Please get in touch with us at info@lduk.lt if you’d like further details about the project.
Information about financial support for the ATRASK project:
Project I, “Promotion of economic development and jobs,” received funding. Project number TRAK-LEADER-6B-SD-15-1-2020, Measure 3: “Creation and growth of NGO social companies (where the social business initiator is an NGO).”
The project will be implemented until 2023. June 1. Project partners: Association “Aukštadvarios žiburiai” and branch of the public institution “Turn to the Children” Children’s Day Center “Čižiūnai”. The project’s objective is to put into practice qualified, efficient strategies designed to improve the wellbeing of families and children in risk groups in Lithuania. I. Adaptation of the NGO social service base. II. Development of methods and tools for socio-educational activities.