Happy Europe Day! It is a time to reflect on the progress that has been made towards peace, unity, and prosperity in Europe. It is a day to celebrate the achievements of the European Union and to look towards the future with hope and optimism.

This year, the Lithuanian College of Democracy is reflecting on the success of its Erasmus+ projects, which have contributed significantly to promoting democratic values and social inclusion in Lithuania and beyond.
One of the projects is particularly proud of is the Digital Inclusion for all Learners (DI4All) project, which was carried out in partnership with Ossiannilsson Quality in Open Online Learning (QOOL) Consultancy based in Lund, Sweden. This project aimed to promote digital inclusion and equal access to online learning for all learners, including those from marginalized groups.
Through this project, the LIthuanian College and its partners were able to develop innovative online learning resources and training programs that have helped to bridge the digital divide and promote social inclusion in the Lithuanian education system.
Another project that the Lithuanian College of Democracy has been involved in is the Youth Voice: Empowering Positive Change (Youth4Change) project, which was carried out in partnership with Europe’s Peoples’ Forum. This project aimed to empower young people to become active citizens and agents of positive change in their communities.
Through this project, we were able to provide training and resources to young people, enabling them to develop the skills and knowledge needed to participate in democratic processes and make a positive impact on their communities.
As we celebrate Europe Day, it’s essential to reflect on all the projects that we have worked on to promote democratic values and social inclusion across the continent. These Erasmus+ projects are excellent examples of how cooperation and collaboration between organizations can lead to positive change and a better future for all Europeans.
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